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UEC Digital Services

Information about the services supported by the Urgent and Emergency Care Digital Services Team.


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111 Online DOS profiling guide

Updated: 21/12/2023

Version: 1.4

Guide on how to set up DOS to support 111 online

Download 111 online DOS profiling guide

111 online ITK_Testing_Guide

Updated: 02/02/2023

Version: 1.1

111 online ITK Testing Prerequisites

Download 111 online ITK Testing Prerequisites guide

Service changes template

Updated: 07/02/23

Version: 1.5

To add new services, change providers, or retire services, please, complete this template and send it to NHS Digital to arrange connection tests.

This should be submitted 28 working days before any planned changes.

Download service changes template

DoS direct linking tool

Updated: 12/06/24

Version: 31

This tool provides an easy mechanism to return and test the results for all disposition on the 111 online product.

Download DoS direct linking tool

PT8 Mental Health 111 online DoS direct linking tool

Updated: 21/12/23

Version: 4

This tool provides a way to test the results for all changing SG/SDs and dispositions that are part of the PT8/Mental Health changes on the 111 online product.

Download PT8 Mental Health 111 online DoS direct linking tool

DoS Direct Linking Tool - A users guide V1.0

Updated: 09/05/23

Version: 1

This document aims to serve as a reference guide to stand alongside the DoS Direct Linking Tool (DDLT). It aims to provide further context and instructions for use of the tool in an easy-to-read format.

Download the DDLT users guide

Troubleshooting for DoS leads

Updated: 03/11/2022

Version: 5.1

Flowcharts to help DoS leads identify problems with DoS services not returning as expected online

Download troubleshooting for DoS leads

Data portal

111 online data portal

Visit the 111 online data portal

111 online outcome estimator

Updated: 04/01/2024

Version: 4.0

Use this spreadsheet to estimate the potential distribution of 111 online dispositions and volumes of 111 online cases sent (by ITK) to clinical services in your area, including low-acuity ambulance and ED cases eligible for validation by a clinician.

Outcome distributions in version 4.0 is based on activity in January, February, March 2023. Uptake levels have also been updated to reflect growing use of the online channel.

Download 111 online outcome estimator