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Supporting documentation

Provider out of service planned and unplanned downtime
Updated: 20/06/2023
Version: 3
When an urgent care provider goes out of service, whether expected or not, local teams must act themselves to stop referrals being sent from NHS 111 online during the outage.
These instructions explain how providers can stop receiving cases from NHS 111 online during a service outage.
Download provider out of service instructions
Public name guidance
Updated: 07/08/2023
Version: 1
Profiles containing the ‘digital referral’ role need simple, clear names for use on 111 online - this document provides some guidance on the best practice use of this field.
Download public name guidance
Flow diagram of a session
Updated: 07/03/2023
Version: 3
This flow diagram takes you through how a user might navigate 111 online, and at what points IDs are generated. This is helpful in understanding data from the data portal, the terminology used for different stages of the user experience, and the fluidity of the dataset.
Download Flow diagram
Requirements Schedule - ARCHIVED
Updated: 05/08/2022
Version: 1.9
The Requirements Schedule is part of, and should be read with the End User Agreement.
The purpose of this document is to detail:
- how to implement and maintain the 111 online service within your service area,
- including operational requirements applicable to End Users and their associated service providers, being GP practices, OOH GPs, 111 telephone service providers, walk-in-centres, A&Es, dental practices and other health care providers.

Pathways for 111 online
Updated: 03/12/2019
A spreadsheet of the pathways in 111 online.
Download pathways for 111 online
Privacy Impact Assessment
Sample Privacy Impact Assessment from the 2017 Leeds pilot.
Download Privacy Impact Assessment
Equality Impact Assessment Guidance
If end-users decide to produce an Equality Impact Assessment for 111 online, they may find some of this information helpful.
Download equality impact assessment
Data flow diagram
Updated: 21/06/18
This graphic explains what user data is captured by 111 online and when. When appropriate, users can choose to transfer their details to providers. Local services that accept referrals from 111 online may find this information helpful for updating their privacy notices.
Download data flow diagram