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UEC Digital Services

Information about the services supported by the Urgent and Emergency Care Digital Services Team.


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111 online Show and tells

29th November 2022

  • Time to get funky
  • Separating the proxy
  • Browser compatibility
  • Blood pressure link
  • Homepage ‘how 111 online works’ content tweak
  • Emergency Prescription service for under 5s on 111 online
  • Urgent treatment centres user research
  • Implementation Update
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15th November 2022

  • Improve menopause journey
  • Categories design iterations
  • Emergency prescription call back improvements
  • New 111 online start page
  • Implementation - Pre Winter 111 Communications campaign review
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1st November 2022

  • Loading spinners accessibility
  • Other accessibility improvements
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18th October 2022

  • Improving menopause journey
  • Images for shin and flank
  • Finding the right pathway
  • Online chat notifications
  • CPCS minor injuries report
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4th October 2022

  • Pathways release 33
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