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111 online Show and tells
30th November 2021
- CPSC (Community Pharmacy Consultation Service)
- Changes to page titles
- Updates to on page feedback
- Search engine indexing
- Recognising specified closing times (bug)
21st November 2021
- DoS service review. Identifying and improving DoS returns
- Trumping dispositions. Overriding the returned service out of hours to improve the user journey
- Where's my callback? Design work to show how we propose to inform users of the progress of their callback.
- nhsuk front end transition. Follow up to the previous demos on this now that the change is live.
- Secret management. Migrating our secrets to Azure Key Vault.
2nd November 2021
- Guided entry updates
- Service user research
- Making ITK error reasons easier to access
- UPRN address data for ITK referrals
- Data: Abdomen pain pathway insights
19th October 2021
- ITK de-duplication improvements
- Pathways v28
- Improved on page feedback
- New exit survey
- Data: September KPIs