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UEC Digital Services

Information about the services supported by the Urgent and Emergency Care Digital Services Team.


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Patient encounter history show and tells

20th August 2021

  • Discovery Insights
  • Alpha Challenges
  • How do we approach Alpha?
  • Options
  • What's next?
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13th August 2021

  • Research with 12 clinical roles and 12 patients
  • Interoperability workshop
  • Risks and Issues
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30th July 2021

  • Research with 5 clinicians, 4 patients, and 5 NHS Digital teams
  • Alpha timescales
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23rd July 2021

  • Discovery Hypotheses
  • Plan for Discovery
  • Research with 6 clinicians
  • What we currently know
  • What we don't know
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25th June 2021

  • Challenges
  • Research with 2 clinicians
  • Initial assumption refinement
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